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Past Events

BETTA has had many exciting events.  We've had successful trips to Offenburg and Fontenay-aux-Roses, allowing people to experience our twin towns first hand. We've given schools the opportunity to link with others from our twin towns, so ensuring they have the advantages of communicating with native speakers of other languages and the chance to run exchange visits.
        Partnership Visit 2015 - Offenburg Wine Festival

The Mayor of Elstree & Borehamwood Cllr. Richard Butler, with the Lord Mayor of Offenburg Frau Edith Schreiner. Looking on former Mayor and 'proud father' Ernie Butler during our vist to Offenburg.

Bastille Ball in the Wood

Visit of Offenburg's Mayor to Borehamwood -June 2015

Rememberence Day - Sunday 9th November 2014

Poppy wreaths were laid on behalf of the Association, at the War Memorial in Elstree,

and in Borehamwod. There was also a wreath laid from our French Twin Town of

Fontenay aux Roses

Fontenay Aux Roses Visit 2014

Click here to read about our 16th - 18th May 2014 trip to Fontenay-aux-Roses
See here for the pictures.


East meets Borehamwood at international evening. Click to read about the launch of the town twinning with Wanshan on 19th September 2013.

Offenburg visitors from Volkshochschule

College visit twin town in Borehamwood - April 2013

Mayor Charles Kelly presents Ralph Brunner with a coat of arms

1st July 2012 Families Day

To celebrate its 30th Anniversary at Fairway Hall, Brook Close, Borehamwood on
Saturday 30th June 2012 at 7.30pm Entertainment will be by our fabulous local musicians and they will play traditional British and Irish folk music. Held as part of Elstree & Borehamwood Town Council’s Civic Festival
Tickets: £5.00
See here for details

30th June 2012 An Evening of Music and Song

To celebrate its 30th Anniversary at Fairway Hall, Brook Close, Borehamwood on
Saturday 30th June 2012 at 7.30pm Entertainment will be by our fabulous local musicians and they will play traditional British and Irish folk music. Held as part of Elstree & Borehamwood Town Council’s Civic Festival
Tickets: £5.00
See here for details

17th December 2011 A Christmas Quiz Night

Borehamwood and Elstree Twin Town Association (BETTA) & The Children of the French Club Escargot got together to enjoy the delights of Christmas with the community! Entertainment included: Quiz, Live Music and Refreshments 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm at St Michael & All Angels HallBETTA was proud
              to be part of the Tesco Community Fair on Sunday 4th
              September 2011.

More details

BETTA was proud to be part of the Tesco Community Fair on Sunday 4th September 2011.

13 July 2011 The Big BETTA Bastille Ball!

The Borehamwood and Elstree Twin Town Association runs a Saturday club during term time called Club Escargot, where children can learn French in fun and interesting ways.  The club will be celebrating its first birthday on 1st May 2011 and we are looking forward to its second year.  We are holding an event to raise valuable funds in order to keep the club running.  We also aim to be able to reduce the costs for the parents.  We have previously relied on funding from grants which have now run out, so it is vital that we raise lots of money at this event.
The Big BETTA Bastille Ball will be held on the evening of 13th July 2011 (starting at 7:30 p.m.) at Allum Hall in Elstree.  The event will have a Bastille Day theme and we will have lots of exciting entertainment, including performances among others by:  Local Accordionist Roswitha Lamb, The Borehamwood Brass Band, local Soprano Adria Jackson, Pair Dance Community Group and our very own Club Escargot Children! 

The Bal-Musette will be taking place during the whole evening where those attending can dance to their hearts content!  There will be a fancy dress competition for those who take on the challenge of dressing in Bastille Day clothing!  There will also be a Luxury French Buffet and a Champagne Bar, where drinks can be purchased.  The ticket price for all of this is only £15!

BETTA is passionate about expanding opportunities for our community.  We are inviting people to come and support this event and, in turn, support our local children by raising funds to keep Club Escargot running.  Please contact:  Martine Eni (BETTA Chair), Jane Strongman (BETTA Secretary) or Rex Dunwoody (Membership Secretary) for tickets:
Mob: 07717176869 (if texting please include your name)
For more information on what is happening now at Club Escargot, please visit the Club’s website

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

Big Betta Bastille Ball
"The food was good, the wine was good, likewise the company.  The musicians just made it very authentic...The dancers added a different dimension...which was nice.  I think the male singer needed to be a bit more lively for me but others may have preferred him that way. I thought Nick did a grand job of MCing the event and getting everyone to participate. Of course none of it would have been possible without all the hard work you put in with your band of helpers...The 3 Divas... the Bastille Ball this year - what are you planning for 2012?...What did I hear you say - "give me a break please!"?
Anyway we doff our caps for a grand evening.
Pat and Mazi

Many thanks and congratulations on the Ball last night.  The food was delicious, the entertainment was excellent ~ in fact the whole evening was really enjoyable .

Please pass on to the other members who worked so hard in making last night a resounding success.

Please accept and pass on my thanks for a fun evening. I did enjoy myself and was amazed to win a bottle of Champers!!! Well done BETTA committee and helpers! A great evening had by all. Best regards, rest well! Rose"

Editor's Comment:  Thank you for your lovely comments which are much appreciated.  BETTA is always looking to the future.  We never stop thinking about what we can do to benefit the community, so stay tuned for more news!

14 May 2011 Borehamwood V Fontenay-aux-Roses: The Re-Match!!!

We welcomed the “Veterans” Rugby team from Fontenay. We have teamed up with our local Borehamwood Rugby Club to organise a family day for everyone to enjoy.
This event, held on Saturday 14th May 2011 has been organised at the home of Harrow Rugby Club in Stanmore, as this was the closest pitch we could find and is the home ground for the Borehamwood Rugby Club.
Activities started at 11.00 AM, with the match “kick off” at 2.30 PM. We promoted rugby by running tag rugby activities for parents and children. There was also a barbecue. Tickets were free of charge!
See here for the pictures.

12 February 2011 Barn Dance

We held a Barn Dance at St Michael's Church Hall, Brook Road, Borehamwood. See here for the pictures.
barn dance

12 January 2011 German Evening

We celebrated our successful Offenburg trip with an evening of wine, nibbles and music. See some of the pictures taken at the event.
              evening image

3 - 6 December 2010 Offenburg trip

Over the snowy weekend of December 3rd- 6th a Eurostar party of 22 local people  reached the pretty black forest village of Hofweier near Offenburg  -the base from where they visited  Offenburg for a ceremony when our present of a Borehamwood street scene photo was received by the Deputy Mayor. This was followed by a lovely guided tour of the historic highlights of the town including two churches and an ancient jewish mikwe (ritual bath). In the evening we had a lovely trip to a wine tasting session. The following day the majority enjoyed a full day’s drive through the Black Forest to and from picturesque Freiburg with its Minster and Christmas market (the second of three market trips). The evening culminated in a evening Christmas market near Offenburg and a lovely final dinner in a local restaurant.

Read what the press thought about us:
Badischer Zeitung 
Borehamwood Times 
Stadt Offenburg
Look at the photos we took.
And this is how it started.

              evenings image

   4 - 6 June 2010 Fontenay Trip

Over the sunny weekend of June 4th- 6th   a coach party of about 80 people from Elstree and Borehamwood and surrounding areas stayed in a university hall of residence near Fontenay and enjoyed a choice of excursions to Le Louvre in Paris or the Palais de Versailles. They also had a taster of Moroccan food at a restaurant in the town. On the final day before they left a group went on a fascinating walk of the town’s sights and everyone met up for a splendid mayoral reception when our town mayor gave presents to her counterpart.

Fontenay Image

  16 September 2009 3 Divas Evening 
3 Divas image

  14 April 2009 German Evening

Borehamwood and Elstree Twin Town Association (BETTA) invited visitors to a German Evening. Visitors enjoyed authentic German Food, Entertainment and Beverages (Beer, Wine or Soft Drinks). The evening was held at the Ibis Hotel in Borehamwood.

Read what the Borehamwood and Elstree Times had to say about our events!
10th April 2009 - Twin towns celebrate over dinner
15th April 2009 - Germany comes to Borehamwood for twin town event

27 October 2008 French Evening
Borehamwood and Elstree Twin Town Association (BETTA) invited visitors to a French Evening. Attendees enjoyed the delights of French Wine, Cheese, Music and Culture! The evening was held at the Ibis Hotel in Borehamwood.

Read what the Borehamwood and Elstree Times had to say about our events!

10th October 2008 - Taste of the Continent
30th October 2008 - Celebration of town twinning

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